Practice Opening Times
We are open Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 6.30pm (Telephone Lines are Open from 8am)
We are closed on weekends and bank holidays.
Practice Extended Hours
Monday, with Healthcare Assistant, 7am to 8am
Wednesday, with Practice Nurse, 1pm to 2pm
Friday, with General Practitioner (GP), 7am to 8am
Evenings and Weekend Access
Chadsmoor Medical Practice is one of a number of local GP practices participating in the Cannock Practices Network Surgery which is based in the GP Suite on Level 2 of Cannock Hospital. The Surgery is open from 3.30pm to 8pm weekdays and 9am to 1pm Saturday and Sunday mornings.
It is staffed by GPs, Nurses and Reception staff who also work in one of the practices.
Monday to Friday When our weekday appointments are fully booked, an appointment at the Network can be offered by our Reception staff after 1pm each day.
Saturday and Sunday pre bookable appointments are also available in the Cannock Practices Network Surgery at the weekend. These can be booked by our Reception staff at any time on Monday to Friday or telephone 111 (out of hours) on Saturdays and Sunday mornings.
When we are Closed
For health information and advice, or if you need medical help fast when we are closed, call NHS 111 or visit NHS 111 online. NHS 111 is the number to call when you need medical help fast but it’s not a life threatening emergency.
In life threatening emergencies such as chest pain and severe shortness of breath you should call 999
Further information can be found on our Urgent Problems page.